Honduras Migration Musings

American Dream

Here is the story of a young woman I know who decided to go to the US undocumented. She is a young, very hard-working single mother who lives with her family, has a steady job as a teacher at a private school, and has a university degree. Yet she wants to go on this dangerous journey. What is wrong with this picture?

Community Development Honduras Migration Musings

Reconsidering the Migration Narrative in Honduras

Is a lack of positive thinking the reason that so many people are leaving Honduras?

Community Development Life Musings Peacebuilding

Peacebuilding Thoughts

“I just want to be able to provide for myself and my family, and be able to give back to my community.” The young woman looked at the group of young people surrounding her. They nodded, understanding. It is hard to provide for your family when you don’t have a job because you can’t get […]

Career Life Programming

Why I Want to Be a Software Engineer

Silence on the other end of the phone. “Are you even good with computers? You don’t seem like a techy kind of person.” My friend was understandably incredulous of what I had just told her: I want to be a software engineer. I am an International Relations grad from a liberal arts college. What good […]

Life Musings Quotes

Life is a journey

Life is about taking every step as being as important as the final destination and being present in our missteps, knowing that failure is just another step on the road to growth…