Multimedia Materials
Powerpoint Presentation for the Migrant Support Program of the Comisión de Acción Social Menonita
Copa Creativa Honduras website and registration form

Convoy of Hope Grand Opening ceremony video coordination (Spanish and English versions), and press release

Clear Lake Food Pantry volunteer orientation materials and sign-up sheet

Client website: Nauffar Germany Doors and Windows

Google My Business bulk verification process for business client with companies in Honduras, Guatemala, and Nicaragua

Translation, editing, and subtitling

In-person workshop and organizational visit, August 2019
In-person 2-day workshop, February 2020
Zoom workshops (6 two-hour workshops), June 2020

Translation and editing services with:
- CASM (Comisión de Acción Social Menonita)
- ACT Alliance
- Mennonite Central Committee, Connecting Peoples Program
- MeWe International
- Proyecto MAMA (ACEMN)
- Promasa
- Vaya!
Speak Out MeWe Honduras Project: Subtitling
Speak Out MeWe Honduras from Reded F on Vimeo.
Editing of the ¡Regreso, aprendo, me quedo! curriculum for the reintegration of returned migrant children in the Honduran school system.
Before (1) After (1) Before (2) After (2) Before (3) After (3) Before (4) After (4)